

Our roots stem from humble beginnings. Born from a family business, driven by quality, passion, and strong relationships – our RIGFAM is at the core of our success and allows us to grow and serve our clients with the best experience possible.

Patrick Shedarowich


Chris Popke


Tom Pham


Nathan Schneider

Director of Operations

Amanda Barattini

Accounts Payable Clerk

Courtney Buck

Program & Custom Order Billing

Mariana Khalil

Senior Accountant

Bryce Partridge

Brand Manager

David Allen

Brand Manager

Dave Popke

Brand Manager

David Vallandigham

Brand Manager

Greg Boudreaux

Brand Manager

Heidi Hix

Brand Manager

Jaime Rice

Brand Manager

Kirsten Hodson

Brand Manager

Lori Armes

Brand Manager

Melissa Handy

Brand Manager

Nancy Shirey

Brand Manager

Stacy Londo

Brand Manager

Wes Steelman

Brand Manager

Josie Kaptain

Art Manager

Erica Holloway

Art Center Admin

Julia Faria

Graphic Artist

Adam Hongkham

Logistics Coordinator

Efren Moreno

Warehouse Team

Cindy Armstrong

Web Team Manager

Leah Hill

Web Team